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American Airlines Will Now Carry Auvi-Q Epinephrine Auto-Injectors by Erica loop

American Airlines Will Now Carry Auvi-Q Epinephrine Auto-Injectors by Erica loop

Flying with a food allergy just got safer. Kaléo, the makers of Auvi-Q auto-injectors, recently reported that the company’s epinephrine pens are now included in American Airlines’ emergency medical kits.

The pen-filled kits, which are now on-board AA’s main fleet, are a step up from the syringe and vile versions the airline (and other airlines) previously stocked.

photo: Johannes Rapprich via Pexels

Kaléo’s general manager of allergy and pediatrics, Omar Khalil, told Allergic Living, “My understanding is when American Airlines was renewing its contract and emergency medical kit options, Auvi-Q was presented to them as a way to both enhance the components of their emergency medical kits and also as a means to be ready for an [anaphylaxis] situation that could take place in the air.”

The recent collab between Kaléo, AA and emergency medical kit distributors HealthFirst and MedAire means the airlines’ almost-900 planes will have Auvi-Q 0.3 mg and Auvi-Q 0.15 mg auto-injectors.

Along with AA, Alaska Airlines and Hawaiian Airlines also carry Auvi-Q auto-injectors. If you’re wondering when other airlines will get on-board with this potentially life-saving change, Khalil added, “According to our distributors, they are also in dialogue with a number of other major airlines.”


—Erica Loop

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